Saturday, 22 June 2013

Girl Who Step Into My Life: Chapter II- 'P' for Previous Moment...

Hey ho hi, peeps and bloggers... Blogger Man login and updating...

Ok, saya dah malas dgn menggunakan Bahasa Inggeris, so rata2 blogger semua orang Malaysia, pakai BM sajalah... So, let's go to the main part:
Chapter II: 'P' for Previous Moment... 

Setelah kes '72 Hours of Love', sy telah jauhkan diri daripada perempuan, jauhkan diri daripada cinta selama 3 bulan... Nak kosongkan semua fikiran, yang kusut di-tidak-kusutkan, itu semua... Dan cuba untuk bukakan hati kepada orang lain yang lebih berhak untuk menerima siapa diri saya...

Easter Sunday 2010, saya sedang menunggu kawan saya nak lepak2 dulu di Plaza lepas aktiviti Easter Camp kat gereja. Dari situ, kawan saya yang sorang ni memperkenalkan junior dia. Memandangkan masa tu saya Form 3, dan dia Form 1 so ngam lah tu senior-junior.... Polly, cute, and mesmerising in her own way, dia berjaya menarik perhatian saya. Dan saya terfikir, mungkin ulang balikkah time sepertimana saya dengan Ms. That-Special-Someone dulu? Berjumpa time aktiviti gereja, pandang awek dan ZAP! Mata terlekat saja pada awek tu... Dan saya terfikir, tidak mungkin lah. No way...  Tapi apabila difikirkan kembali, memang hampir serupa kedua-dua situasi...

Balik semula kepada cerita tadi, kebetulan kami ambik trip bas yang sama... Dan kami duduk di tempat yang sama, sebelah-menyebelah... Time saya masih baca mana2 catatan yang saya tulis time Easter Camp tu, tiba2 kepala dia tersandar kat bahu saya masa dia tengah tidur. Yalah kan, letih sangat, so saya fahamlah keadaan tu. Malah saya biarkan saja dia tidur dengan kepala masih tersandar kat bahu saya sampai saya smpai ke rumah kesayanganku ini... Chewah!

One week later, dia sering jumpa dengan saya, tepuk belakang saya tlampau kuat tahap Godzilla sambil menjerit nama saya. Ada jugak pasal homework yang lansung dia tak faham, dia tanya saya, malah belanja saya pun dia ada... Dan satu benda yang kami memang in common ialah CHELSEA FC! Bola kami layan, Chelsea kami cakap... Non-stop! Dia asrama, so saya jadi sumber utama dia untuk berita2 terkini bola... Such the passion...

Masuk pertengahan bulan Julai, saya terima pelbagai khabar angina, rata2 semua kata yang saya dan Polly nih hangat bercinta. Mula2 memang saya menolak keras dakwaan tu... Next day, dah merah muka kalau orang cakap macam tu, malah pandang muka sesame sendiri pun dah merah2 macam delima. Next day, sudah angguk2... Malas mau kata. Padahal dalam hati sudah suka sama suka... Sampailah time bila dia menghantar satu surat (malangnya, saya sudah hilangkan surat dia... :c ) kata yang dia memang2 dah sukakan saya. Habis satu tingkatan 3 2010 kecoh pasal tu! Saya pun beritau yang saya mempunyai perasaan yang sama terhadap dia. So saya luahkan kesemuanya. Pieces by pieces... Malah saya sempat nyanyikan lagu 'Sempurna' kat dia... Sebab lagu tu saja yang saya dapat fikirkan pada masa tu.

Dan dengan itu, bermulalah sebuah kisah cinta 'malu2 kucing' antara kami dua ni... Kadang2 lyan sesama sendiri, kadang2 tak layan. Bukan mau kata ego lah, tetapi malu bah depan kawan2... Mereka pun buat mata sepet sambil tersengih-sengih tengok kami dua... Doih...! But still, kadang2 kami  balas surat, hantar hadiah, malah dia juga encourage saya untuk belajar sungguh2... Perkataan Gambatte  selalu saja dia ungkapkan pada saya... Sampai PMR saya dapat 6A 1B gara2 sokongan dia kat saya... Terlampaulah hepi over the moon saya nih... Dialah antara first five yang tau result saya time tu, dan dia pun tumpang gembira sangat2...

But in every stories comes a bad part... Selepas saya memperoleh 6A masa PMR lepas, banyak sangat junior saya yang masa tu akan menghadapi exam PMR minta tunjuk ajar saya. Dan apabila saya kata mintak tunjuk ajar, saya maksudkan yang mereka pun cuba untuk menarik perhatian saya. Polly masa tu tau yang dia menghadapi banyak sangat saingan daripada perempuan lain, gara2 saya... Doih...! Pening kepala saya. And the worst part is saya tidak berapa luangkan masa dengan dia kerana terlampau busy dengan membuat kelas, buat nih, buat itu... Malah apabila dia mintak saya ajar dia, saya dengan kata2 yang sampai sekarang masih malu kerana kata camtu: "Ala... Tu senang sangat tu. Cikgu kamu tak ajarkah? Buat sendiri. Saya lagi busy dengan benda lain..." Saya lansung tak tau dia nak minta perhatian daripada saya, dan memang sampai sekarang saya bertanya dengan diri sendiri kenapa saya sanggup kata macam tu kat dia?

21 Februari 2011, 11.38am
Satu minggu selepas Hari Valentine, saya terima satu surat daripada kawan dia... Kat depan surat tu ada satu lirik lagu... Sorry That I Love You... First2 saya lansung blurred apa yang dia maksudkan... Then saya pandang kat belakang, ada satu not kat belakang:
Darren, sorry klau sy kata camni, ttp sy rasa dah tiba
masa kita putuskan hubungan ni. Masalahnya,
saya nak focus pd pelajaran saya... I'm so sorry.
Ms. Your Angel, Polly...
And I said to myself, ini adalah alasan paling bodoh yang pernah saya dengar. Like, cuba tengok secara realiti! Dia ada teman lelaki yang pandai, merupakan antara pelajar contoh 2010-2011, dan dia nak lepaskan begitu sahaja?! That's the most stupid excuses...! Walau bagaimanapun saya tetap sabar, mungkin dia terlampau mengikut emosi, dan bagi dia ruang sedikit. Malah saya stalk apa dia buat, dan mengapa dia melakukan semua nih... And the reality is not what it seems to be...
The reality is she got someone else behind my back!
That explains.... A lot! Rupanya semasa saya terlampau sibuk dengan hal2 lain, dia menjadi terlampau cemburu dan cari orang lain untuk melepaskan kerinduan yang sepatutnya dilepaskan kat saya. Why am I so dumb???!!! And for four consecutive nights, I cried... Who cares what the hell they say about me. The reality is I cried of what she had do to me. I cried of what I do wrong to her, and damn... Morning? I lost interest in study, I lost interest in computers, malah I don't wanna see her face anymore. Kawan saya dianggap saya sebagai musuh, kerana lansung tidak memberitahu mengenai kes curang ni, dan buat kali kedua, saya merasakan satu dunia bencikan saya... Satu dunia hina saya, maki saya, dan saya rasa sorang2... Terima kasih dunia... Terima kasih kerana telah meludah saya, menendang saya, dan memaki hamun saya... Tu saja yang saya dapat katakan pada diri saya. Buat kali kedua, saya menjadi pesimistik...
Sekarang, memori hanya sebagai kenangan saja... Just a record in ur head to be played over and over again... Dan saya banyak belajar daripada hubungan ni. Mesej? Berlambak.. Malah kalau nak disebut satu per satu, saya kena buat blog baru. Tetapi saya masih menyimpan satu kotak pen dengan bulu fluffy merah jambu kat hujung dia dengan satu ayat yang ringkas: Love You With Every Single Of My Breath- Ms. Your Angel ^^ Dan saya mengeluh setiap kali itulah saya pandang...
 'P' for Previous Moment, my third ex-girlfriend, and her name is Polly Urie... XOXOD

Girls Who Step My Life: Chapter I- 72 hours of Love...

Hey hi ho, peeps and bloggers... Blogger Man login and updating...

So many of my blog updates is mainly about Ms That-Special-Someone, a.k.a. Daphne Donna. And i'm kinda  getting reactions, like: "is there any girls that had stepping into your life other than your Ms That-Special-Someone? Like you can't just clinging on her after few years?" Hmm... Nice questions really. So i'm going to write and share with you all a series of blog updates, entitle Girls Who Step My Life... Well, let's just skip the intro, shall we?

Chapter I- 72 Hours of Love...

It all starts on September 2009, when i saw a girl. Ida Bundan, same age, and Iban... Lovely, actually. Seductive, sexy, and elegant, she manage to appeal my eyes. And apparently, she's a playgirl... Yeah, i fall in love with a playgirl... But hey, ask a guy whether they had fallen in love with a playgirl, and they would answer YES. Yes, every guys had fallen in love with a playgirl before... 

She gave me a sign. A possible sign to make a move on her, and i did. She accept it, and instantaneously we do what boyfriend-girlfriend do for that one whole day. Having school break side-by-side, she gave me a flying kiss, and i gave her a sweet, beautiful drawing of her. Pinch by pinch she gave to my arms, suppose to be an act of 'manja-manja' but it turned out to be a full red, painful arms she gave it to me. But who cares... As my friend told me, "you're in love, what your partner doing, you just enjoy it..."  That first 24 hours might be the best 24 hours of the day. But still, i aware that she's a playgirl. So i kept reminding myself not to fully loving her...

Next 24 hours, 48 hours she told me that she haven't got her breakfast, so i treat her breakfast, but when the time i asked whether she wanted me to accompany her, she insisting that it would be the best not to accompany her. Ok, i understand... So, i gave her some space like a nice gentlemen. Then, few hours later, she asked me more money, with the reasons that she wanted to have a snack. Ok, so i gave her RM5 to satisfy her need... But then, half an hour later, she asked me for MORE MONEY! Now, this ain't right. I told her that i already gave all my money for today. But then, she threaten me using the name 'relationship' to get what she wanted. Owh now i get it, she though that i'm the teacher's son, that's mean i'm rich and she would get easy money, just by asking from me.... Slick, annoying, and materialistic girl. Since then, no flying kiss accepted, no sitting side-by-side, no more 'manja-manja'; just a cold space between us...

Night falls, and i'm thinking whether i made a right choice or not. I mean one of the reasons i'm dating with her is to make her realised that she heading the wrong, playgirl way; and it's my job to change her perspectives. Silly me... 

So on the third day, 72 hours, i confronted her and asking for the break-ups... First reactions, she shocked. And then, she smiled... She accept it, and go away without any guilt on her face. I still remember one of her last words: "I never though I would fall in love with you. Too many guys that could offer me anything, but then it all falls on you..."  Whether it's a compliment or a sarcasm? I certainly have no idea... 

72 hours of love, my second ex-girlfriend.... She's Ida Bundan... XOXOD

Darren, Welcome To The 18....

Hey ho hi, peeps and bloggers... Blogger man login and updating...

Looks who's here! I'm officially become 18...!!!! Yeah!!!!! Feeling so dang great and superb... But as what people said, 18th birthday is kinda different than the last birthday, cause seriously, 18th birthday is a day where you step up from a small timid kid, to a large grown, mature men... And yeah 18th birthday is different... Here you go, after 5 days:


17 June 2013, and i'm feeling quite good of myself. Heck yeah, on the bed, and thinking something might will happen, but nope... I'm hoping that not all knows my birthday, because i dont wanna go through that one birthday tradition my school has been practicing... THROWN INTO THE FISH POND! Hell no! So, i resolve to myself, don't get too over, and just be in 'silent mode'... And somehow, i made it so well in the morning. No one talked about birthday something... That's good....

Morning class, and everyone just wished me birthday, and somehow its like contagious... One after another, i had to put aside my excited birthday mood, and just shake their hands, smiling... Seriously, its kinda boring... No cake, no candle, no families... Yeah... From my first to my seventeen birthday, there's birthday cakes, singing, and present-giving on the spot. Now, it seems like there's nothing to be celebrate about... Sigh after a sigh went in... Till the moment when one of my friends wishes happy birthday in front of few members of my dorm. And CHING! Their eyes glowing.... Kinda scary, you know when u have to keep it secret to avoid any mishaps of thrown into the FISH POND, and somehow they notice something ain't so right...

Noon comes and still the same thing... Boring, unnoticed, silent noon... Sampailah the moment when some of my girl-friends (kawan perempuan, not teman wanita) asked me to see them 4.30pm at the Surau area... Owh yeah, did i mentioned their face kinda serious?!

4.25pm, i meet them while drinking Pepsi Twist... And with their 'poyo' faces, they interrogate me all sorts of stupid jealousy questions. And i said WTH are you talking about. I understand none single of it... Well, ok i know i've been a little sweet-talker with other girls, but hey it's guy's nature, yeah? Plus, it's just a bit.... But still i kinda nervous about that, and BOOM!!!

A handful of flour thrown at my FACE!

Dang it!!! I've been tricked by them! With a huge voices, they sang Happy Birthday to me! And that moment, my very own tears dropped. Not because i felt touched by them. It's because the flour impact on my very own cornea.... Ouch! But nonetheless, i enjoy it! And then, Flour Shower mode (extracted from Champagne Shower. LOLZ) and all my fellow buddies can't escape my Birthday Flour Wrath... Muahahahahahahhaha.... *evil laugh....

And with that nice flour on my hair, face, and clothes, i came back to my dorm, and everyone noticing something different. As long as the Kubong tradition, the one who got the flour on their head is having their birthday. Damn it! They knew my birthday is today... With their glittering eyes, they looked at me. Owh yeah, in 'udang di sebalik batu' perspective... So i made my mind, take my evening shower real fast, get dressed and get out of there real fast befor anyone noticing i'm not there... Yeah! Good plan.. And it went so damn well....

Twilight ends, and night come and somehow i could manage to stay away from that FISH POND... Just few more hours, and i'll not only gonna break away from this curse, plus i'm gonna break a record as the first boarding school student who never dived into fish pond. Hell yeah...

10pm, i took my supper and get into my bed real early before one of my room-mate asked me to fetch some hot water for him to cook his noodle. In my half-asleep mode, i go and fetch the hot water downstair. Then, hands of guys grabbing me at the back, spilling out the hot water (fortunately no one injured) and i found myself being carried by all of my room-mates! Nonononononononononononono....!!!!! This can't be happening! And the next thing i could remember...:


Mother father Gentlemen!!! Damn it!!! With huge applause, laughter and screaming, i grinned myself and finally said: I'm already 18... Congrats Darren! It's been a wonderful, epic 18 years of life, and i'm enjoying it!!!  Well, except that i've to bath all over again, and wash my clothes extra hard... But hey, at least this 18th birthday is really epic... 

All right, guys. That's all i wanna share with you guys... Hope to update my blog more often! Last but not least, Welcome to the 18, Darren... Less than three... XOXOD